This week's Friday Shoot Out is 'Transportation', and was chosen by Gigi who wants to see how we all get around our towns. I took the photo above one day coming home from work. Try pulling your camera out of the brief case while driving 60 mph on the highway! I got lucky it came out at all...

For the past two weeks my mode of transportation from my door to the van has been my feet. They decided it was time to fix the pot holes in the parking lot, and our development section was first...between the rain, and this I was walking; which is good for me. I intentionally park at the back of lots so I have to walk more. We do get lazy at times, and I know standing on my feet in front of a stove is not exercise...maybe the mind.

You might want to go check out my post on my mean and lean 'Orange' machine. That story will speak for this mode of transportation I so love...

My walking shoes for the week...see I told you I like orange! This was taken while I was on the look out for Gordon Ramsey in White House Station, New Jersey on Tuesday. I spent the day with my friend Robert C., and we spent the entire day bouncing around his little town on our tootsies!

I saw quite a few of these going past me on Main Street of White House Station. This is definitely not the short bus...

New Jersey has quite the transit system going into neighboring states like NYC, PA, and you can even ride down to Washington, DC to walk around the state capitol. My friend said I was nuts, but we check the schedule to see if we could ride to the next town, and then come back. The schedule was to far apart and we had lots of walking around to do...

Maybe next time I can go check out what High Bridge, NJ looks like by train...

After talking to these three people I found out they were there for the same reason, well one of the reasons I was, and it was not to take a ride on the train!

We all were watching the back door to see if we could get a Gordon Ramsey sighting...

I hear the train a comin'
It's rollin' 'round the bend,
And I ain't seen the sunshine,
Since, I don't know when,
I'm stuck in Folsom Prison,
And time keeps draggin' on,
But that train keeps a-rollin',
On down to San Antone.
I bet there's rich folks eatin',
In a fancy dining car,
They're probably drinkin' coffee,
And smokin' big cigars,
But I know I had it comin',
I know I can't be free,
But those people keep a-movin',
And that's what tortures me.
~ Johnny Cash, Folsom Prison

This is Robert C's cute little boutique salon, Salon Opus...
He gave me a whole new look that afternoon. No formal photos of that until I go to Texas, and my big'Sis Donna Kay takes a few of me...let's just say it is short and sassy! I have got more walking for us to do...

Robert told me he lived near a very once popular restaurant called the 'Ryland Inn'. I have heard so much about this place and was sad to see it in ruin (another post).
This area of New Jersey is known for another mode of transportation, but this is as close as I got to a photo of a horse. We passed many horse farms on the way to this place. I am writing a piece on the history of these grounds. The place is huge, so a good pair of walking shoes and pants to protect me from the bugs were needed for my next quest...

This I was told on my tour was once a thriving garden, and full of things my friend had never even heard of. The old owner/chef used everything he grew for the restaurant, and how fascinated I became...

I love to explore old barns. Hoping to find some relic of the past I can claim as my own...

Jesse is now another friend of mine that lives a few towns over from where Robert and I were walking around, and what is just another cute little historic town to walk? Frenchtown is where her studio is, and it is a lovely place near the river!
I love going into her studio and checking out what she is currently working on. I did not take any photos of her new 'Robins Egg Blue' bathroom she wanted to show off, but lets just say she stays very busy. I bought a piece from her called 'Thinking Tree' that I fell in love with (another post), and will share it later...

I said 'River', and canal! Another means of transportation in New Jersey, as we have canals all along my neighborhood. Mules were used to pull the barge down these canals, and are no longer used except for canoes and kayaks. They are great fishing spots for hubby and I!

This time of the evening is great for walks, fishing, and biking!

Princeton University has these little babies for trekking all over the campus and crossing surrounding streets...
Thanks for letting me take you on this 'transporting' adventure!
If you want to join us in our fun Friday Shoot Out, all you have to do is look for the theme that will be added later, and at the end of this post, so come back and see what was picked for next week! Go check out some of the other posts below...
Reggie @ Midlife and Menopause
Patty @ Crisfield News
Rachel @ Rachel's Ramblings
Lulu @ Serendipity LuLu
Science Girl @ Science Girl Traveler
Gigi @ Gigigriffis
J9 @ J9 and Stuff!
Gordon @ Friday Shoot Out
Doreen @ Shoot Out Michigan
and many many more... What fun way to take a look around our world!!!
Really really enjoyed your photos.
LOVE the shoes ..I want some.
The bridge was divine ...
I had shoes in mine too!
Sarah Lulu
That's great. I almost joined this week (honestly)...must check for next week's them. Love the shoes!!
Wow, very interesting!
And your shoes match your bike! Now I'm impressed.
Too bad you missed out on the Gordon Ramsey sighting! But at least we got to see some great photos!
that is quite a walk around your town! the pic with the reflection in the water would be my fav. I have a thing for reflections. great post!
Thanks for taking us on your excursion. Love those shoes!
Hey you, glad to catch up with you today. Loved your tour and so colorful. I love barns and don't meet one that I don't want to take a picture of. Love them all even more if they are falling down. What's wrong with me? No don't answer that!
I need to know what kind of shoes you were wearing. They are just to cute and I'm in the mood to shoe shop. Mind sharing?? Please. Sunshine and smiles.
what a fabulous collection. loved it.. will e mail you about some swaps for sure!
Your photos were poetry in motion, poetry pal!
ChefE - Thanks for the tour around town! I especially love the artists work near her left elbow!
does your artist friend have a website?? i love her paintings
Thanks for visiting my site. Would I be seeing you as the resident chef judge at a "TOP CHEF" show when they have the finals in Costa Rica? I like watching all those cooking shows, though I suppose you as a chef would react differently.
I don't know why Gordan Ramsay is obscessed with risotto. I would never eat the stuff.
What is your signature dish?
Re: your orange colour theme, may be you could add an orange pumpkin for Cinderilla and your orange shoes instead of glass shoes for a twist. LOL
Love your photos,
The shoes, gotta have the shoes!
Love your photos, damn on the missed gordon sighting, wanted to know how he appears in person.. they say he's a hottie!
OK, I promise I will do this next week:)
You did a great job. You'd fit in around here with everyone dress in Tennessee Volunteer orange.
What a wonderful array of photos. I love the tour; and so colorful. I especially like the gallery in Frenchtown. Say hello to your friend for me.
I want some shoes like that!
Wonderful Shots! I think walking is one of the best forms of transportation, to take in all the beauty that surrounds us like the bridge shot you posted.
I love this post!!! what a wonderful trip and the photos!
Ok I must say I'm not a orange fan but I LOVE those shoes! I want a pair!
Love it girlie!
Just getting to most Shoot-Outs right now....isn't that horrible??
I love the snapshots but, I can't tell you how much I adore the Johnny Cash lyrics with the theme. That made your's more special-er Elizabeth. I do love me some Johnny Cash.
You are so creative girl.........and such a joy. Just pure joy :)
Steady On
Reggie Girl
I road the short bus at one time..nice pictures
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