Saturday, April 4, 2009

Grumpy, Getting Older & Vent Time

I finally ventured out into the sunshine to go do some market shopping. Still not feeling great, and told hubby I did not want to leave the house. He is the sort who doesn't bother telling me he is going into work on a Saturday the night before...I only noticed he was going somewhere because he bent to kiss me, and I noticed he had on a shirt he would not just wear around the house! So, another day alone, and only cereal to eat...hmmmm I decided to throw on some clothes and I mean throw on! I had even made a promise to my friend Gen I would not be seen in public in those stretch pants again, and here I go. I was hiding under my hat, yeah right!

Driving down the road I am thinking, "Well I do not feel that good, but if I want something good to eat; then its got to be done"! Parking on a Saturday sucks at any market! I like going during the week, but we know why I never made it on Thursday. Germs. People. Damn baskets left in the spots. Lazy People. Woman parks in front of me hits the basket in her shiny new BMW. I smile. She smiles. We both head into the store. Fruit section is first. She picks up brussel sprouts. I pick up broccoli. I stay close to the wall. She goes to the left pass the lemons and oranges.

I encounter a road block. Two elderly women talking, and seem to be trying to read the salad packages. I turn to the left, and blocked by two baskets coming 'the right' direction. I decided to just move forward and say very pleasantly "Excuse me". They turn and look at me like I just said "F You", and look at their baskets and then back at me. The one woman with grey hair pulls, yes, I said 'pulls' it towards her. There is no way I can get by, because the pepper stand is barely a few feet from her. She looks at me and says "Well go on, I cannot pull it any closer to me". My mind goes straight into a 'RED' moment, and I think to myself "Geez lady if you had pushed it forward like any normal person would have, we would not be having this moment...since I DO NOT FEEL SO HOT AND REALLY DID NOT WANT TO BE HERE". Yes, I let hate pass through my brain. Felt like say more, but I pushed on through...that is until I heard her say to the other woman in a very loud voice...

"She should have gone the other way, we were here first"! Okay I am not as deaf as you are lady, lol. UGH! (and more, but I already used the F word). I stopped and turned to her and said in a low but frustrated voice, "Mame I could not go the other way there are people there too. This is a public market, and we have the right to move about. You could have been courteous and just pushed your basket up a few feet to give people space. It is called using your nogan." She turned and went "Well, if that was not the rudest thing". I caught a glimpse of the other people behind her staring at me. Later down the isle as we say in market talk...kidding, but you get my basket drift... I saw the woman that was in the BMW, and I decided to say this to her, "I am sorry for that back there, I just do not know what gets into me sometimes. Lately I am tired of people thinking they own the road (isle I should say). That woman should have moved, so I could get by". She said that I had every right to say what I did, and then we began talking about the cart outside and how much we really hate that store, but it is close to our development. Now I like pleasantries better than uglytries...

Once I began checking out my few items, because I wanted to get the hell out of there and back onto the couch where I really belonged...I admit I was grumpy, but hell if I am like that older woman when I grow up I hope someone runs me over with a damn basket!!! I noticed the 'older' woman coming past my check out desk. A guy was sitting in her way, and she said loudly "Excuse me"!. He pushed his cart forward, and she seemed like she still did not get it. I wanted to say to her "Now you know how I felt", but I let it go, and laughed to myself, with thoughts of getting back under the covers with a cup of tea.

Life teaches us so many things, but do our braincells disappear so fast as we age that we forget how to be considerate?

I also wanted to share that Mary @ Rejected Truth recommended a movie 'The Bicycle Thief', and I rented it. Was superb Mary, and everyone should check it out. I now can see why she remembers her father while watching it. I could see how one might identify with what took place.

My father used to love westerns, and as much as I did not really enjoy them like he, I would sit and watch them just so I could try and feel what he felt. I enjoyed what I called Art Films more as I got older, but when I see Clint Eastwood and that dirty cigar hanging out of his mouth in those old spaghetti westerns...well, I suppose I saw what my mom saw in my daddy. A rugged man who could shot, ride, and smooth talk his way into your heart and bed?

DISCLAIMER: I did not write this to get any kudos for speaking out...I just was in a crappy mood and needed to vent! *Swoosh* down the crapper that one goes...


Anonymous said...

Whether you want it or not, you're getting the kudos! Not enough people stand up and say something these days. :)

Debra said...

I am proud of you! Just because they are older, doesn't give them the right to be rude biothches!

I did miss two of your posts! I don't think the stupid Dashboard updates like it should! You know I got nothing but love for you sweetie!

Wunderwoman said...

Go Chef E! That upsets me too, people standing around in the aisles talking and won't let anyone past them. And don't you just love it when they shove those handicap electric carts up your bum when you're looking at something? Ok, I'm done now, time for bed...goodnight

Jeanne Estridge said...

This cracks me up, because there's such a big leap between you when you're healthy and you when you're sick. I'm never the soul of patience, but when I'm sick, watch out! Hope you feel better soon.

Rachel Cotterill said...

We'll remind you of this post when you're old, if your 'polite' braincells start dieing off ;)

Photonuts said...

Your day is coming sweet heart!