Sunday, April 25, 2010

Muse Monday 20- Mixed Media Garden


Why would a mother who lost
her first seed, feeding off genetic strength

a spring bud busted through hard ground-
the patch of un-kept soil hanging out

next to the redneck projects where self doubt
potential is shot directly into the veins

with silver bullet tongues- place a masterpiece
self portrait of her angel over the porcelain structure

Dressed in transparent pinks, orange, and beige
shroud; only the very observant will reflect

a presence just above the out of date vanity cabinet;
sitting over the hand sanitizer, where just to the right

behind one more jewel, antiquity find of simplistic wood
framed mirror holding up silk and plastic bouquet

of spring flowers. Never faded by artificial light
or snarky looks, just part of a shrine,

five by seven room reminding a renter of where she came,
what she is capable of, and what life holds no matter

what was plucked- beauty no longer seen to the naked eye
fills more than just a small space, but has to walk

out the door- time after time, and plant a seed
in another lonely plot of ground

watered by much needed tears from every passerby.


Just telling it like it is said...

beautiful! I miss you girl!!

Bryan Borland said...

You know, when I read your stuff now, the voice in my head is yours.

"Dressed in transparent pinks, orange, and beige shroud; only the very observant will reflect its presence just above in the out of date vanity cabinet; it sits over the hand sanitizer, where just to the right behind one more jewel, antiquity find of simplistic wood framed mirror holding up silk and plastic bouquet of spring flowers."
