Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Shoot Out- Rainbow of Color

This weeks Friday Shoot Out is 'Colors of the Rainbow', and honestly I have been on a trek through some West Texas towns to chronicle my family genealogy on my fathers side, and visit his cousins that might not be alive if I do not return for a few more years.

If you have ever visited that part of the country during the hot summer months of Texas; then you will know that all you see is dry muted color along the way.

Rainbows of color remain in the eye of the beholder...

Down in the south...we just let sleeping dogs lie...

Sometimes we can put on our 'Rainbow' glasses...

Our world is truly a very colorful place...

even in the 'just north of the border' places...

If you want to join us in our fun Friday Shoot Out, all you have to do is look for the theme that will be added later, and at the end of this post, so come back and see what was picked for next week! Go check out some of the other posts below...

Reggie @ Midlife and Menopause
Patty @ Crisfield News
Rachel @ Rachel's Ramblings
Lulu @ Serendipity LuLu
Science Girl @ Science Girl Traveler
Gigi @ Gigigriffis
J9 @ J9 and Stuff!
Gordon @ Friday Shoot Out
Doreen @ Shoot Out Michigan
GirliChef @ Off Topic
Jama @ Mummy Jam
Chris @ An Instant Out of Time

and many many more... What fun way to take a look around our world!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


My friend was searching the internet for information on Texas, and this is what she found...

Armadillos sleep in the middle of the road with their feet in the air.

There are 5,000 types of snakes on earth and 4,998 live in Texas .

There are 10,000 types of spiders. All 10,000 live in Texas, plus a
couple no one's seen before.

If it grows, it sticks; if it crawls, it bites.

'Twiced' is a word.

People actually grow and eat okra.

'Fixinto' is one word.

There is no such thing as 'lunch.'
There is
only dinner and then supper.

Iced tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when
you're two. We do like a little tea with our sugar!

'Backwards and forwards' means I know
everything about you!

Djeet is actually a phrase meaning 'Did you eat?'

You don't have to wear a watch because it doesn't matter what time it
is. You work until you're done or it's too dark to see.

You don't PUSH buttons, you MASH them.

You measure distance in hours. Like it's 6 hours from Houston to
Dallas .

You'll probably have to switch from 'heat' to 'A/C' in the same day.

'Fix' is a verb. Example: 'I'm fixing to go to the store.'

You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both

You carry jumper cables in your car . . . for your OWN car.

There are only four spices: salt, pepper, Tabasco and ketchup.

The local papers cover national and international news on one page,
but require 6 pages for local gossip and sports.

100 degrees Fahrenheit is 'a little warm.'

We have four seasons: Almost Summer, Summer, still Summer and

Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as 'goin' to

A cool snap (below 70 degrees) is good pinto-bean weather.

A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola or pop. .. . . it's a Coke,
regardless of brand or flavor.
'What kind a coke you want?'

Fried catfish is the other white meat.

We don't need no stinking driver's ed . .. .
if our mama says we can drive, we can drive.

If you understand these jokes please forward them to your friends from
Texas (and those who just wish they were).

EVERYONE can't be from Texas .
You might say it's a gift from God!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Put This On A Postcard!

My feelings...I got a good shot of this Longhorn after taking many photos around the local farms in the north Dallas area...

No two Texas Longhorns are alike. They all differ in color pattern, size, horn length, and personality. Do you think that I have a shot at getting the post office to buy this for our next stamps? Western themes...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday Shoot Out- Metal

Imagine field of wild grass that begins to sway in the hot summer wind of the old west. You can see for miles across the flat land before you come across a hill or two up ahead. Off in the distance... you might hear the faint cry of a skinny Longhorn calf stuck in a ranchers muddy sloped pond, and up over the brush suddenly...

...was the rough riding cowboy of the old west. In Texas they still celebrate the trail ride. Herding 'reminiscent' of what was breed from original Spanish cattle brought into this territory...through city streets, and into the market to sell they did come...

Longhorns were breed to endure the long hot summer months of the treacherous western trails. They're calf were the first and often the last to stand after a drought...

Cattle ranching once dominated this land...before cotton, wheat, and citrus farming ever was tried, and often failed...

The brightness of the already hot summer sun comes through my camera lens in these shots of bronze 'Idols' of my Texas heritage, and remind me why I only want to visit now.

The life of a cowboy was not glamorous in these parts, so they honor them with through out the area...

For some reason 'Put the metal to the petal' went wheeling through my mind, and that is just what I have been doing the past week and a half! I m visiting Texas, my birth place. We have been driving all over the DFW metroplex, and when I saw what this weeks theme was a few days past...I knew I had to make these babies the main attraction.

Before moving away in 2005, much of the north side of the burbs had already was disappearing. I learned how to drive on these old dirt roads. Now to see a farm or a ranch is a treat for me. Much of the land was used for grazing cattle. Many breeds of cows and horses dotted much of the landscape as you drove down old farm to market roads, but now strip malls and housing developments have replaced them on every waking corner.

This makes my heart sink each time I pass what seems to be a never ending stream of traffic and huge McMansions along each FM road that has been widen to astronomical proportion. Many say "Oh Texas is so big, and there is plenty of room", but it is barely an hour and half to the state line, and Oklahoma.

Some of this area is still cheap in taxes, and rich in wild grass, so we did see a small herd of longhorns grazing in one field a few days ago. Hubby and I went back to take a photo, but they were not to be seen. I will keep trying for that shot! I wonder what will happen before my next visit. Where will it all go?

Old Cowboys

Trails are long and windin’

Odors overwhelm my sense of smell

Horses, shit, and dusty winds

Cold nights… feelin’ hasty

Longing… and want ‘an

Your breast, your sweet face

Just days… hours from home

Long stops… long nights…lost sleep

Empty my gun for prosperity

Shot a rabbit for my dinner

Seemed like the finest meal;

that my stomach ever had

As the fire keeps me warm

Starry night sends me driftin’

Dreams… our house… kitchen

Moving through windows

Door off the old back porch

Hear… metal pots clankin’

Sunsets… evening breeze

You begin to chase… playfully

across grass… into fields

Our backyard… laundry hangs

You… my love… catch me… hit me;

falling… slowly… together…

your beautiful face… you…

dressed in soft cotton, and

with an old wooden spoon

Me… chewin on old memories,

like old cowboys do…

- © E Stelling, 2008 all rights reserved by author

If you want to join us in our fun Friday Shoot Out, all you have to do is look for the theme that will be added later, and at the end of this post, so come back and see what was picked for next week! Go check out some of the other posts below...

Reggie @ Midlife and Menopause
Patty @ Crisfield News
Rachel @ Rachel's Ramblings
Lulu @ Serendipity LuLu
Science Girl @ Science Girl Traveler
Gigi @ Gigigriffis
J9 @ J9 and Stuff!
Gordon @ Friday Shoot Out
Doreen @ Shoot Out Michigan
GirliChef @ Off Topic
Jama @ Mummy Jam
Chris @ An Instant Out of Time

and many many more... What fun way to take a look around our world!!!

The Pink Birdhouse has chosen...Rainbow Of Colors, so everyone has creative liberties with this one!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tired, but not hungry...

'Michelle...Thank you for staying in touch with me after I left Dallas. You were the best Sous Chef I have ever had in the kitchen. I love you like the daughter I wished I could have. You are funny, sweet, and a hard worker. You are beautiful. I look forward to growing old with you at my side. Oh, and leave it up to you to tell Robert our secrets, but hey, if he cannot handle how I am then he does not deserve me, does he....' ~your friend, Elizabeth

I really have been sleeping well this past week. We have been going to bed only one hour earlier than we do in New Jersey, but I have not had to take my sleep medication at all.

Worn out? Possibly...

I am not sure, but it sure feels nice. Well, that was until last night when hubby and I went to eat at a Epicurean World Master Chef Society Dinner in Denton.

Country clubs are a 'to do' in these parts, and this country club was no different!

The closer you get to Denton or Fort Worth, the closer you get to the 'Ranch' attitude. They love their golf (only two reasons for country clubs), and they love their expensive dinners. Not to mention the accent gets thicker, and I AM a Fort Worth girl if you did not know. I even noticed my accent has gotten thicker just listening to them all.

Well, back to the story...

Dinner was fantastic! The only problem is that we had eaten a heavy lunch with another friend, and then attended the country club dinner put on by my group of Texas Chef Association friends. Too Much! So, now between seeing all my friends, the good food, and good sleep I was doing fantastic...that is...until this morning.

I am tired, but not hungry...

I went to bed late, got up super duper early, went back to bed, and my cell phone has rang off the hook. Of course, leave it up to me to bring it into the bedroom last night. I have been leaving it in their living room, or on the table. That way if it rang; it would not wake us up.

Today is my birthday, and everyone is calling to wish me a fabulous one. Believe you is the best. I have laughed, and smiled so much.

Next month is the anniversary of my daughters ninth year of passing.

Why such a sad note?

Well, because...I realize on this trip that I have so much to look forward to. A husband who loves me more than his gadgets, well, almost. A son who is doing well, and we have a great relationship. Friends who want me to be in their lives, and who have been supportive even if they have not been around when I felt it was important.

I am happy...

I love my daughter more than life itself sometimes, but I love myself more than I thought I did. I was ready to face my demons here in Texas, and it proved to be successful.

Happiness is a choice, and you will never go hungry...grow a little weary sometimes. Just go take a nap now and then...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hot Texas Weather

This sits on my friends patio. Images of its relief somehow will help sooth the humidity of the Texas summer heat. If this was not so darn heavy, I would sneak it into my suitcase...actually there are several things I 'want' to take home, but they would figure it out!

We all try to seem grown up, but in reality..."Girls just wanna have fun"!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Friday Shoot Out- 'M'

I want to pre-appologize, as I am in Texas now, and hubby had to remind me to post this. No photo shop, just right off the camera, so till next time, please enjoy...

Let's start with the beautiful full 'M'oon I tried to capture last weekend. Reminds me of romance, so I howled and kissed my sweetie...

Love Remains The Same lyrics

A thousand times I’ve seen you standing
Gravity like a lunar landing
Make me want to run till I find you
I shut the world away from here
Drift to you, you’re all I hear
Everything we know fades to black

Half the time the world is ending
Truth is I am done pretending

I never thought that I had anymore to give
Pushing me so far
Here I am without you
Drink to all that we have lost
Mistakes we have made
Everything will change
But love remains the same

Find the place where we escape
Take you with me for a space
The city buzz, sounds just like a fridge
I walk the streets through seven bars
I had to find just where you are
The faces seems to blur, they’re all the same

Half the time the world is ending
Truth is I am done pretending

I never thought that I had anymore to give
Pushing me so far
Here I am without you
Drink to all that we have lost
Mistakes we have made
Everything will change
But love remains the same

So much more to say
So much to be done
Don’t you trick me out
We shall overcome
So all have stayed in place
We should have had the sun
Could have been inside
Instead we’re over here

Half the time the world is ending
Truth is I am done pretending
Too much time, too long defending
You and I are done pretending

I never thought that I had anymore to give
Pushing me so far
Here I am without you
Drink to all that we have lost
Mistakes we have made
Everything will change
Everything will change

I, oh I,
I wish this could last forever
I, oh I, I
As if we could last forever

Love remains the same
Love remains the same

'M'urals are always wonderful to stumble upon...

 'M'inville none the less...

...and then you find a 'Mouthwatering' pit stop...

...that just happens to have a mural painted on the front...

Can you believe we discovered a 'M'agical place...

...where you come upon 'M'instrals singing...

There inside the park you find the glass 'M'useum, where the old (above) 'M'ill still stands...

...and sometimes you might find your marbles! This gadget on the right was used for sharpening knives, and you realize me being a chef I would have loved to sneak that one out in my purse to try...

'M'ustard on a cheese steak? Hubby had not found his marbles yet...

Sorry for this one, but 'M'ustard on the 'M'outh from my hot dog...

Hey it's a 'M'aypole, how often do you see one of these?

'M'eadows are always beautiful...

'M'ilk glass dreams...I collect depression glass like this...

'M'ore 'M'ilk glass...

'M'emorials, and 'M'onuments...

'M'arinas, and crabs selling @ $20 for a dozen...put on the boiling water!

We were told that thousands of pounds of oysters and crabs came in and out of this marina less than twenty years ago...

Hubby saw this 'M' find, and he has been getting into my new hobby...

Yes, there really is a 'M'uscrat crossing, right next to the...

...salt 'M'arshes surround in a blissful scenario...

Thanks for going on my 'M' jouney, as I am now in Texas. Hubby and I are having a great time with my friend and her husband. Lots of good food and good times going on, so I will keep you posted!

If you want to join us in our fun Friday Shoot Out, all you have to do is look for the theme that will be added later, and at the end of this post, so come back and see what was picked for next week! Go check out some of the other posts below...

Reggie @ Midlife and Menopause
Patty @ Crisfield News
Rachel @ Rachel's Ramblings
Lulu @ Serendipity LuLu
Science Girl @ Science Girl Traveler
Gigi @ Gigigriffis
J9 @ J9 and Stuff!
Gordon @ Friday Shoot Out
Doreen @ Shoot Out Michigan
GirliChef @ Off Topic
Jama @ Mummy Jam
Chris @ An Instant Out of Time

and many many more... What fun way to take a look around our world!!!

Later on we will announce what next weeks theme is, so come back by...

'They Hocked their Grill for some Grass'

What is this world coming to? I spoke to my friend on the phone one night last week and she mentioned that her husband was selling his grill. I said "WHAT!". Now what am I going to cook on while I am there. I might want a nice juicy Texas steak one night. "Heck, what on earth did he do that for" I asked!

Cheryl began to explain that they were landscaping the back yard, and laughing she explained that they needed the money to pay for all the weeds they were transporting out, and replacing with some fresh grass and some pretty flowers for my visit. She said, "Cause my friend is coming to visit, and I will not have her see my house in such disarray".

Well I'll be...her and hubby hocked the grill for some grass!

Then we had a good laugh!

He did replace it with a brand new one. Now that is impressive. A new grill just for little ole me.

I am on my way sista!

I have only been talking about it for a month, but I am going home to Texas on Wednesday, and will still be blogging, beginning on the weekend again. I am excited, I never would go to my reunions, but have recently gotten back in contact with the four girls I grew up (elementary school) with in our 'hood'. We were white middle class trash and proud, and girls you know I mean that in the most endearing way with a great big belly laugh!

Thank God we all grew up and did something with ourselves!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

What A Great Weekend!

A great big 'Thank You' goes out to Reggie Girl down in GA; it arrived just in time! I needed a lift laying here on this smelly old couch, about to drown in clutter. Some of mine, a little more of hubby's, since all I could do was 'hop hop hop' to the beat of my own getting around...

I love it, and it will greet my house guest this Wednesday. You will have to come over to my 'Food ~ Wine ~ Fun!' site on Friday, or Saturday. Mellisa Gaffney will be hosting over there, and she has some fun planned. Showing this off will be part of that fun!

'How many people does it take to read the instructions on putting that tent up. That was fun to watch!'

Hubby and I hobbled on down to south Jersey this weekend for my 'Cultural Art Expression' Open Mic in Parvin State Park. Here are some highlights...oh and I did cook, but photos of the food stopped after the cooking started. I cannot multi-task outside of my zone to well...

'My foot was wrapped in a 'Glad it did not get wet' bag!

The funny part of the day was Vito, and hubby coming to announce the canoe tipped over, not once, but twice! Oh, and the fish got away. I heard enough fish stories growing up from my father, and had my own, but this was too much!

'My station for the day, chief cook and bottle washer...!'

~ Menu ~

Sauteed Asparagus Quinoa
Chili-Cheese Dip, and Blue Corn Chips
Vegetarian Hot Dogs, and a few stray regular ones
Grilled Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Burgers, Danish Blue

'Down South there is an Open Mic at Expressit! Coffee House, Haddenfield Twshp. Barry and Adrienne run it every other Friday, so they came and joined us...'

'Sorento, ???, and her husband, Vito @ our fireside Open Mic. This guy came out of now where, and I was the only one that knew he did not belong to our group. A camp stragler that came to join us, because we are a fun group!'

'Tim, oh, had that lovely cigar going, we read our poetry, and then we both were thinking the same thing!'

'Howie sings 'Creed'...and very well I might add...'

Fire and Ice

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.

Robert Frost

Oh, Im bein followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow
Leapin and hoppin on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow

And if I ever lose my hands, lose my plough, lose my land,
Oh if I ever lose my hands, oh if.... I wont have to work no more.
And if I ever lose my eyes, if my colours all run dry,
Yes if I ever lose my eyes, oh if.... I wont have to cry no more.

And if I ever lose my legs, I wont moan, and I wont beg,
Yes if I ever lose my legs, oh if.... I wont have to walk no more.
And if I ever lose my mouth, all my teeth, north and south,
Yes if I ever lose my mouth, oh if.... I wont have to talk...

Did it take long to find me? I asked the faithful light.
Did it take long to find me? and are you gonna stay the night?

~ Cat Stevens