Monday, September 26, 2011

What Do You Have To Say

Let's do something different over here...since I am so deep into writing, and have not been inspired to post here.

What does this picture say to you?

Does it imply something missing?

What is missing from this picture?

Do titles imply what will take place in a story?

Write a short paragraph about what you first thought, or what you think fits...

Here is mine...

Dead Town, USA

The streets were hot and why hadn't we seen any people. We had been walking around for two hours, and there was no historic jail house to be seen. Jacob insisted we stop in this god forsaken town so he could visit a place mentioned in his stupid guide book. I wanted to throw that damn book out the window five towns back. It was bad enough the mountains kept our wireless phones and electronic pads from working, but now tired and hungry we hadn't seen a good place to rest in miles. The town was not only deserted, but every building looked dry, dusty and colorless. Like an old movie. This restaurant was on the last street we had turned. And there it was, a bright neon string of lights flashing 'Open'.  

Thank goodness. There were three tables but no chairs out front, so I walked through the swinging door to check out the menu. Jacob and I hadn't spoken the whole trek, at least after I yelled at him before leaving the car. So I didn't bother even asking him if this was okay. A good look at their bar told me something cold and refreshing was due. Maybe the waitstaff could recommend a good hotel for the night. Now that I think about it, I could eat a horse. I hope the stove is big enough. It was then I turn around and realize Jacob never followed me in.

Maybe write what happens afterward...

Have fun...and I will tell you what did happen in a few days...


Anonymous said...

Well, when I first looked at it I thought: A good Cosmo in there would be as improbable as a unicorn.

What is missing? Peter Matthiessen.

Liz Mays said...

I love Mary! She makes me laugh. :) But I stink at stories like that, so I'm worthless on this task.

Chef E said...

I love it! FrankandMary, love it!

I would like to sit down with so many, it would become a party!

Toon said...

I see an unhappy employee who wishes the lights weren't so bright and that her husband/boyfriend was more reliable.

Just telling it like it is said...

It say I should get drunk and take off my bra but that is just me...