Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Laughing At Yourself

Do you have the courage to laugh at yourself?

Sadly, many people don't. Millions of people take themselves and their lives so seriously that they refuse to recognize the absurdity of much of what they do. Not that everything in life is a laughing matter. But have you ever encountered someone who had a chip on their shoulder?

If you are wondering what in the world this spot on the asphalt have to do with my point, well...a last week I was out shopping for a wine and food tasting I am putting together. I had a really nice day planning some future endeavors with a crew, and then we decided to go into a local area for a light dinner and some good wine.

I however do not indulge in drinking wine like my friends or husband do, but I had a four ounce pour of one of the best burgandy's I have ever had. We also had a sip of a Pinot Noir that I decided would work for the up coming tasting, since the theme is Pinot Noir. I purchased three bottles from their retail room next door, and commented that maybe someone else should carry some of the wine before we take the long walk back to the car. No, I didn't! Yes, I decided to carry it all myself.

Look carefully at the road photo at the top. You should see a faint reddish body outline around the, Yes, I was over that rather large wine spot I left on the road. I tried to put a tape outline around it, but too tricky. Thank goodness Amex will replace them for me since that is what I use for my purchases like this.

I was startled by a car, and a bicycle approaching me as I was about to enter the street, and my foot went into a pot hole in the tar on the edge of the road I was on. This was not a pretty site. Me on top of broken bottles and their contents, my purse and its contents, all spread out in disarray. Everyone was nice, and offered to help me up, but in my humiliation I just sat there soaking up much of the wine in my clothing. Not hurt too badly, just a little sore, and one cut on my hand, but hey life has to go on.

No, I am not embarrassed at all, since accidents do happen. I just did what any good wine connisour would do and that was take myself home and wring out my clothes into a glass and tasted the humor, and the fact I can look back and laugh at myself!

It is a beautiful life!


Noe Noe Girl...A Queen of all Trades. said...

Oh girl- that sounds just like some thing I would do!
That's how I get by - laughing and shaking my head at the stuff I do!

Chris said...

I saw the puddles and thought something else had happened that caused you to laugh at yourself.......

Heather S-G said...

Yup, sounds like something I would do, too! Gotta ya don't cry ;)

Jeanne Estridge said...

Physical comedy is the best -- there's nothing as funny as people falling down (as long as no one gets hurt).

Wunderwoman said...

If I didn't laugh at myself, sometimes there would be no laughing going on. Drink on....

gigi said...

If I didn't laugh at myself I wouldn't have many to laugh at. Been there and done that. Gotta have humor.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

LOL we are so alike love it!

I love putting it back into the glass from your clothes heck don't want it to go to waste right? :)

Keep the laughter up it kills calories right? :)