Thursday, February 19, 2009

Attitude & Longitude

When I was younger and read all those Jane Austin, Victoria Holt, and many other books about traveling to far away places...I saw myself teaching ESL in another country, falling in love with a Spanish Flamenco dancer in Spain...well, I did not think I would end up in New Jersey, and my hubby cannot keep a beat for the life of me! Hell I thought this was the land of gangsters to be honest, and I do hang out with a guy named Vito...

While longitudes may change, attitudes must remain the same!

When I chose this picture for my 'Vision Board' I had printed it out as an umbrella that symbolized taking cover from hard rain, but then I thought about it and realized it would be just as good to use as a boat. When it rains as we know, many times it floods.

I have had so many challenges through out my life, and sometimes feel like "Why me" all the time. I guess for some reason they become great life lessons, and we have to roll with the punches, or back down in a corner right? That will not work for me, I would get to bored in the corner, or use the time to relax and think of my next project.

Most of you know that I run an Open Mic- Cultural Art Expression that I created and organize each week locally in Jersey. Well it has been a challenge and many times I have felt like what in the world do I need this stress for, but I keep plugging away and finally have built up quite a group of performers and new friends. I got an email from the owner of the coffee house that we meet at and they had to shut one of our meeting places down. Downer right (pun time)!

I almost let it ruin my evening, but with the support of my new performer friends I began to get the brain jump started and came up with some ideas and an old meeting place just in case the other one closes due to the economy.

Waters rise and then they go back, keep your umbrellas and wellies handy!


Rachel Cotterill said...

Can I borrow your umbrella? Ours broke last week...

Debra said...

I hope your other one stays open or at least you can go to the old one. Just keep your umbrella ready!


HoodChick said...

It is sad driving around and seeing all of the closed businesses. I like the idea of floating through on an umbrella. It's better than my image of hip-waders to get by.

Lori said...

Please come on by for an award♥