Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Piece of m'E

Okay, I have been trying to learn new software for making movies, but for now I am using a photo stream.

Problem is, I have no time right now to go out and make the movies to fit my poetry.

I will post them, but will be taking them down. Why? Long story, not sure I want to go there.

This is raw, and a new piece I have written that has stuck in my mind for the past year, and when you listen, you cannot help but understand why...

BTW...the handsome guy on the rocks is my son. He looks good, but he looks JUST like my father, especially with the 'bubba' forty in the paper sack...


Anonymous said...

WOW. The poem blew me away, and the video held me in a sort of trance. Top-notch writing. Publication-worthy in every regard.

Anonymous said...

It's that rawness that makes this poem great. It left me feeling raw. I keep coming back to it. Two comments on one poem! I can think of no criticism or suggestions for edits. So glad you shared this one.

Christo Gonzales said...

well done - alcoholism is horrible- I know!

Chef E said...

Guys what do you think- My goal is to get the listener to visualize, fell, be in touch, but come back to hear it again. Without posting the words on stream like so many songs do with lyrics.

Otherwise I am hoping to go out with camera and shoot stills and video. Call me crazy but I miss the old MTV videos :) Okay call me getting old!

Jeanne Estridge said...

I love this one, E. As I've said before, you have the perfect voice for reading poetry and it works especially well with this piece. The visuals are a nice addition.

Anonymous said...

You succeeded. I love how I was like, "I keep coming back," and then you were like, "My goal is to get you to come back." We're so in sync we could be a boyband.