Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Human Devil

Ahhh, poetry. It is good again, to be writing. In the quiet of my home.

So I will share some lines...and it is still, almost a white draft...

The Drummers Gone Before Daylight

O’ little one can we speak
of the weak and of the lost
behind their backs
the good book tells all who will listen
tales of less wanting more
more being the lesser of two evils
before you ever entered the desert
where did it get them boys
lost and coming down from a rush

brotherly love gone wrong
one a lover
the other a killer who dreamed of being a drummer
both disguised in sheep’s clothing
cheaply made over seas
where things turn and turn
on a dime buying half a soul

in the corner of a bar
a woman sits and eyes the crowd
broad are her fingers
but true love continually slips through
red eye light fixtures
dangle and swing over head
moody and tantalizing
she can’t leave it all behind

Eve’s first mistake was declaring
her first born was a man
before he ever opened his eyes
the brother’s keeper cast out
no choice but leaving it all behind

I had a child my first born
day and night I lay by its side
asking nothing but you to save her
now I wander across the sands of time
I left the bar
I dropped my sword
reread your words and only found wisdom
where is the justice
now we write our own book of life
growing older on a worlds cheap dime
open eyes and no disguises.

Not really sure how it will all pan out. I struggle with form over writing lines...send me back to writing camp, and I won't roll my eyes again...ever.


farmlady said...

This one is stunning, Elizabeth. Work on the third stanza about the woman in the bar. Seems to sidetrack. Not sure how it relates. If it does... make a connection.
Please keep working on this one. Be specific and stay angry. This is good.

farmlady said...

Oh, and I love that self portrait.