Thursday, November 22, 2012

Looking Forward

Today is a day to give thanks for what we have, to pick up the pieces and move forward with little complaint.

It is also an American holiday that I am not crazy about.

Am I starting off with a bitch today, well, yes. I do not like turkey. I hate making it, but because the hubs family lost their home in Bluepoint, LI, New York, we are not having the usual get together. Which would still mean a bird on the table. My dad always made a ham, something I like, but because of salt it doesn't like me back (high blood pressure). So...

I am up early to get the turkey breast in oven and make the dressing. The real heirloom bird goes in around ten, and we will eat a late lunch, early dinner. I made four pies last night, and we had cocktails with a friend on the other side of our development. I will take a nap after turkey goes in, and my son and his girlfriend will cleanup and get table ready.

On the upside, I am going to LI to stay with hubs step-mom. A girls weekend. Hubs has work and would prefer to stay home. We always spend four days after Christmas with her, so she is good with that.

Peace to you all, and Happy Turkey Day, if that is what you like...

(photo above taken in Hawaii. Hubs was the shutter bug and kept taking my photos, so I give him attitude from time to time.)

1 comment:

Jim K. said...

Love the look of determination
in that shot. Hits the spot.

I usually rally mood for
Thanks-G...the chance to make
something, esp. the gravy.