Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Spark 18 is up!

Tell me...

tell me, have you seen it...

These two lines came out in my head more like a song, oh well.

Spark 18 is up! Each year I have participated in Amy Souza's wonderful idea of combing the arts (artists/writers/composers/etc). I do it at least twice a year. This go round my poet friend Tyson West out of Spokane, or somewhere around there, Washington and I decided to at it. He did the poetry and I did the photography. You can ARCHIVE us here, just type in our names and both our work will come up, hence our work together. As new work comes in, the day before or so goes off the main page.

I enjoyed working with him, but the whole point is to work your magic off of someone else. He was not so happy about his last partner, nor I my first. But Amy says it happens. I let others know its a good prompt, and maybe something greater will come of the piece you create. I think he and I will partner up in the future.

On that note, Dash made me realize what I should have said in the last post was 'a more experienced publisher'. The one whom has taken Pasquale and I on has had lots of experience. unBound Content is a small house, but a well known and well respected publisher. She has her work cut out for her, since we both are inexperienced in this realm.

Hope all is well and good for you all. With Christmas coming up, I know it is a busy time for us all!

(photo above fits into my theme and is my one and only hydrangea for this year. Sadly last year my bushes were taken down to low and late in year by the local yard Nazi (because if you are around she'll put you to work whether you want or not) so by the time they were ready for flowering, no sun on most of it, only at bottom where I spotted the flower. If you don't watch it she'll take you down and trim you up for the year!)

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