I have met the most beautiful woman, and she is living in Texas for now. If I was not already married, but totally gay, I would have asked her to marry me!
I met yet another blogger in person in my travels down south.
She is much younger than I am, as I am old enough to be her mother. I must also mention her father is a very handsome man, and it was very apparent where her outside beauty comes from. Yes, he dropped her off at the restaurant we agreed upon, Jasper's in Plano, and now that I think of it, we did have a date, but more of a girls night out kind of thing.
Dirty martinis with extra olives turned out to be something we both loved. We talked about men, relationships, parallels of our own past lives, and losses. I laughed, and hung onto every word she spoke. Her inside beauty runs very deep as well.
Over the past year we have become acquainted with each other through our blog, and read about adventures we have both have had. We are also mothers of handsome sons. What a great opportunity to meet in person and really dig deep into what crazy antics we both have experienced.
She is a lovely person who has worked in the nursing field, and is toiling over what path in life may lay ahead. I wish for her a beautiful existence, and as much loving and fun she can handle in her future. Keep those Darn Men guessing Girl!
That Darn Girl was a fabulous dinner partner as we shared a small sausage pizza, sauteed spinach, and she enjoyed some chicken masa soup... but damn Girl, those blue cheese stuffed olives in our martinis were the bomb!
Upon her fathers return to whisk her away from my clutches, we posed for a picture that came to my mind earlier in the trip. See she is known for her fabulous boobage, and relationship stories. I just could not resist this pose. Of course hers are much younger and perkier than mine, but hey I have already been where she is, and have enjoyed mine all the same!
Thanks Dad for taking the photo, and your a great sport. I felt only a little ashamed having him take the cleavage photo, but to those hidden cameras above the bushes...shame on you security guards for watching as we maneuvered our way into position!
DISCLAIMER: This was all in fun, and are sorry if you are offended by the content or the photo of our cleavage...but, we would do it all over again!
Sounds like a great night out!
Hi Elizabeth, it sounds like you had a really fun time. I wonder if I will ever meet any of my blogger friends. It's weird how you can feel connected to certain people without even knowing them, but I feel a certain kinship with a few of my fellow bloggers already.
Glad you posted your story and if anyone is offended by your photo, then they just don't know how to have fun.
Glad you had a good time!
How fun E! Meeting blogging buddies is the best!
Ohmgosh that is the sweetest thing I have ever had written about me!!! Awe shucks! We did have a fun night out!! I really enjoyed myself...awe we laughed a lot especially that part with the camera with security watching!!teheheh...so much fun!!!P.s. e-mail me the pictures!!!
Love ya girl!!!
and yes I am very proud of that photo
I didn't realize meeting a fellow blogger could be so much fun.
Sorry I wasn't there for the boob shoot though. Perhaps that could be a theme for a future Shoot-Out though?
Evidently Gordon also was taken by surprise and wanted to know which one in the photo I was...come on, I think we all know that gravity takes over at some point, unless we are enhanced in some way, LOL, and I am not at all...
Barry- a shoot out of this nature would be interesting, but not sure my sense of adventure is shared :)
sounds great! like the cleavage shot also. which are you? :-)I am jealous, I have not met any bloglings.
I don't blame you...if I wasn't a guy, I'd be a total lesbian ;) Guys are just fugly!
You flipping crack me up girl! Can't wait for you to come my way ;)
Four boobs, and not an animal outside my species involved! Thank-you ladies!
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