The topic for this week is 'My favorite place to ____' by Cindy...
I have been thinking about this, and it is fitting that stopping by my only son (22) in St. Louis has to be 'My favorite place to feel the love'. My son and I share a love for discovering music together. We enjoy eating out together, and I must say we laugh our rear ends off together. At first he tries to show me how mature he has gotten in eight months, since my last visit in December; then he begins to relax as I ease off about his house keeping. I only have a few days to spend with him this trip, and already I miss him terribly.
Aaron is a butcher's assistant at a local market, and has been for three years while attending a local college. Come over and see what I made him for dinner at Food~Wine~Fun!
My friend Lisa and son at a new casino built near the St. Louis arch just off the river...
His dog Logan shows off, or knows dinner is on its way to the table?
He decided that my catering van needed another seat, as we had the three seats filled, so he grabbed his lawn chair and made himself comfortable...see he just keeps me smiling!
I feel the love when we are together son, and anywhere you are is my favorite place to be...
Ah, this is a really heartfelt post. Very sweet and lovely. Your son is cute too. I think this is wonderful.
You too look gorgeous ..he looks like such fun!
:) - I have three boys, not fully grown yet....but I believe that I would feel the same way in the years to come. Our boys know how to love their momma's.
Happy Friday
What a great place to be!
Love the picture of his "seat" in the funny.
how sweet! I have two sons and feel the same way! I'm excited - my youngest is coming home this weekend for my birthday - the best gift is time spent with those you love!
What a great mom! Your son must love you for your dedication to him. Very enjoyable.
This is so sweet! Sons are definitely a blessing. Love the lawn chair in the van.
He is absolutely ADORABLE! (though 22 year olds likely would hate the term...) Great post ChefE, and I think you hit the nail on the head - anywhere my family is is where I want to be!
Beautiful!....and the pictures were great, too :)
As a daughter (too young to be a mommy yet!), it's neat to hear what the whole empty nest thing is like from a parent's perspective. I like your favorite place!
So very sweet Elizabeth! Yes, kids and their mommas! Surely it's the love that makes laughter between us all the more special.
I am close to my son also. a very touching post. great shoot out!!
what an amazing relationship you two have. I hope that my boys continue to be as close when they are grown. What's your tip?!
I feel the same, where ever my son's are is where I like to be :) It does look as if yall have a lot of fun together.
Awe he's so handsome
How lucky you are to have each other as best friends. A sweet, sweet post.
You and your son look so happy together! I can tell you are having a blast. How cool is that? I love the joy in all your pics! Beautiful!
You lucky girl, your son loves you very much.
My youngest, Sam is 13, Just now, I was teaching him to cook.
Beautiful post and touching, ChefE! Something tells me your enjoyed the visit.
Another unique photo theme. I love looking and thinking the mother-son bonding in their favorite place. The first photo is candid. I love it.
You are having just too much fun on this trip!
It must be hard being so far away from him -- it's lucky you get to see him so often (although I know it's not often enough).
Touching post. Ahhhh, mothers and their sons!
Oh, you had such a great take on this theme!
I love how happy everyone looks...not cheesy photo happy, but truly happy.
lovely blog. isn't he a cutie though and arn't you lucky to have kept a connection with your son.
Oh my. I came here to see your Friday shootout for this week before I left for an assignment and see that I did not visit last week. And I thought I had some kind of method going for me. Don't guess I did. Argghh!
Anyway, love the mother/son post. I wish my son had more time for me. He gives me all his spare time and that is not much. Mostly, he makes the 3 hour trip here to work on my computers and keep me as high tech as he is. I get computer love!
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