This weeks Friday Shoot Out was picked by Sherri...
"What's not to love about sunrises and sunsets? My favorite times of the day for a photo shoot are the early morning and late afternoon because the constantly changing play of light on and around the objects I am shooting. I love the silver and sepia tones of of the sky and water a couple of hours before sunset and the purples, corals and pinks of the setting sun against azure skies. My husband and I love living close to the Gulf of Mexico in our picturesque little city which is built around 4 salt water bayous off the Anclote River where it meets the Gulf. We have vacationed in the Hawaiian Islands often and the sunrises and sunsets with the added elements of mountain peaks are equally stunning. I'm looking forward to seeing every one's sunrises and sunsets!" ~ Sherri

[Sunset ~E]
My sunset takes place just where The Salmon River meets Lake Ontario (just off to the right). Hubby and I finished up fishing at some of the river and brook spots, and went for a drive. This photo was actually taken with my new IPhone camera, because I left my camera our accommodations.

I have many times gotten up before sunrise for my work in the past, and then come home way after sunset, and missed these beautiful moments altogether. Never have I enjoyed them as much as we did this week!
Gordon, his nephew, hubby and I arrived at The Salmon Rivers edge this past Sunday. He gave us pointers on how to cast and reel in the 'Big' one. With success we have both meet on Wednesday at sunset to show off just some of the catch. The best success at pulling in a good catch always involves going out before the sun comes up and staying out till it goes down. This assignment was a great pairing with what Gordon and I attempted this week, so 'Thanks' Sherri!
Hubby and I went out on a drift boat tour (Thursday). An experienced guide takes you to places that many cannot reach by car or on foot, but you will be in and out of the boat along the way. While wearing waders we were shown how to fly fish and spin cast for the type of fish that live in these waters. Salmon have moved up stream from Lake Ontario to spawn, so if you catch them it is not with bait, but because you irritate them with the hooks or lures. The trout do eat, so landing one on your hook becomes a real challenge. They can take you up and down the river in order to tire them out, and net them.
We had a great time meeting Gordon, and look forward to many more sunrises and sunsets on the water with him in the future! The photo below shows us meeting at sunset, and sorry no actual background proof. You are allowed to fish until 30 minutes after sunset, so we stopped in time to get the light before it was too late...
Blog Fishing Trip Update- I just got in from our fishing tour down The Salmon River, and caught three big fresh male king salmon. Hubby caught one, and two broke his spin cast and fly rod lines. The big one I hooked myself was 28 lbs! We enjoyed having dinner with B&B hosts and guests on our last night before heading home.
OMgosh I jealous you got to go fishing !! Nice Fish!!
Catch the big one and say hello to Gordon! Have fun!
Those are huge fish! Have fun!
28 lbs! Good Lord!
Now that's fishing! Way to go!
Nice catch! I hope you didn't get any dirt on that table ;) There are a lot of instructions on signs around you in that photo.
WOW!!!!! YOu go girl!!! Hope yall are still having a grand ole time!
sound like fun times!
I love the misty morning sunrise on the Salmon River.
This looks like a successful and very yummy fishing trip. Wonderful story Chef E. Thanks for the update. =D
Looks like you all had a great time!
I've taken many a shot with my phone as well. Hard to resist a good photo op. Loved that photo.
Beautiful silvery early morning pictures. Thanks!
love the first one! misty foggy morning shots are my favs. have a great week!! and enjoy!!
That second shot is really wonderful. There is something about the perspective that I really like. do you eat 28 lbs. of Salmon? I'd love to hear your of my favorite Salmon recipes comes straight out of "The New Basics" -Rosso & Lukins:
Salmon with Potato Fans
1T unsalted butter, room temp
1 Yukon Gold Potato, peeled and thinly sliced
salt an freshly ground pepper to taste
4tsp minced shallots
2- 5 oz Salomon fillets (okay in your case quadruple the recipe)
1. Preheat oven to 350
2. Spread butter in oven proof skillet. Arrange potato slices, overlapping in the skillet, in the shape of the fillets, leaving a little space in between the two (or four). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and the shallots.
3. Season the salmon with S&P. Arrange them skin side up, on the potatoes.
4. Cook over medium heat for about 5 min. then transfer to oven. Bake until Salmon is cooked through and potatoes are golden.
I am so sure you had a great time meeting up with Gordon on after sunset fishing. Give my best regards.
WOW - good fishing!
And, your iPhone takes great photos!
how cool you got to meet Gordon!
Great photos and great catch! :-)
Pretty, pretty pictures!
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